East TN Tiny home rental business

Rhea County, TN
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Asking Price:$65,000
Real Estate:$225,000
Gross Revenue:$35,000

Affordable housing is one of the most critical issues facing our country today which have driven the number of searches per month for "tiny homes" to close to 1m searches per month on Google. This business provides lot rental and tiny home rentals in the metro Chattanooga TN market which is one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. The lack of income taxes drives retirees to the area as well as the low cost of living.

This is a partnership and one of the partners is wanting to exit so you can either purchase partial or full ownership of the property. Currently there are 5 rentals with plans to expand up to 20 rentals. Lot rentals are $450 a month and the homes start at $750 per month. This is a real estate based business to you get appreciation as well as cash flow. Can be either a passive investment or hands on.

Price of $65k is for 25% ownership but will sell all of the property (no owner financing)

Rhea County, TN
Not Included in asking price
Real Estate
Included in asking price
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Mark Lawson
Mark Lawson