Contract Research Organization

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Gross Revenue:$3,035,000

The company, offers advanced sensory scientific expertise, equipment, and biomedical research services to its clients. The company provides world-class preclinical (animal) sensory research as a specialty contract research organization (CRO) focusing on auditory studies, and provides advanced biomedical and animal research facility monitoring solutions. Both divisions of the company are innovative disruptors in their respective industry spaces.

Key Aspects
• Global operations allow the company to service a large pool of clients
• Lead scientist has over 22 years of experience studying auditory functions
• Diverse revenue streams provide consistent work and research project opportunities
• State-of-the-art facility monitoring device that is patent pending places the company
at the forefront of technological innovation in the facility monitoring industry
• Financials as of 12/22

Not Included in asking price
Real Estate
Growth & Expansion
• Pursue expansion of subscription-based model for the company's proprietary device to increase recurring revenue• Increase brand awareness in European markets where animal research guidelines are more progressive and need advanced monitoring solutions• Develop new research offerings capitalizing on the investment of the newly built miniature swine facility• Obtain capacity to perform Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) studies• Patent the company's proprietary device in order to protect intellectual property
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Etienne Deslauriers
Etienne Deslauriers