Biotech Co. Patents & Medical Device 5% Market Share = $90MM Revenue

Irvine, CA
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Asking Price:$4,000,000

Biotech Co. Patents & Medical Device 5% Market Share = $90MM Revenue

The Company has proprietary technology that addresses a leading cause of maternal death (76,000) and fetal death (500,000) annually worldwide. 8% of pregnancies in the US and 14% worldwide have diagnoses that would be vastly improved by worldwide commercialization of the Company's proprietary device. A relatively low risk procedure that both provides quality of life improvement for the mother & baby and lowers health care costs is a win/win/win for all involved. The Company has several strategic collaborations that are expediting the development in a highly-efficient manner and by pursuing an efficient regulatory strategy this presents a tremendous opportunity for individuals or private equity groups seeking a transformative investment into a feel-good biotech story with exceptional legs and a vast runway with nearly unlimited upside. Able to work with groups/individuals in tranches of $500k to $1MM to advance into the pilot clinical study, $2-$3MM for the pivotal clinical study towards market approval in the US. They will seek direct sales with partnered hospitals, licensing / partnership deals could ultimately yield the balance of funding to fully deploy a commercial version of the technology.

NDA is required to secure comprehensive Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) crafted by ProNova Partners.

Irvine, CA
Not Included in asking price
Currently no commercially-approved drugs or device alternatives are available at this time.
Growth & Expansion
Huge market potential.
Support & Training
Full team included.
Reason for Selling
Seeking supportive capital partners to take to the next level(s).
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Rick Carlson