Auto Repair with Fuel Sales Property Included
Asking Price: | $1,675,000 |
Inventory: | $2,500 |
Real Estate: | $1,250,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $1,800,000 |
FF&E: | $75,000 |
Established Year: | 1975 |
RPM has another shop for sale...
This long standing auto repair business also sells gas. It's a good location with good demographics and high traffic. There is staff in place that can handle the day to day operations.
The property and the business are being offered as a package. The seller is not interested in selling business only and being a landlord. We have comps in the area that support an asking price of $1.25m for the property. We've sold a lot of auto repair businesses and we think the business is worth $425k. So the calculator that I am using says that adds up to $1.675m. There is a lot of upside to this one.
I give priority status to buyers that call. I owe it to my client. Buyers that call are 20x more likely to buy a shop than buyers that only email. So I am forced out of a fiduciary responsibility to my client to work more closely with buyers that call. I have to do it. Call me.
I sell auto repair shops in Texas. I sell auto repair only. I do not sell any other kinds of businesses.
This is a great shop and I want you to buy this one. But if it doesn’t work for you for some reason you still might want to give me a call or visit my website at