Auto Repair & Towing Co.
Asking Price: | $799,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $753,000 |
Real Estate: | $400,000 |
Cash Flow: | $197,000 |
FF&E: | $213,000 |
Established Year: | 1988 |
AAA Certified
Since 1988, this business offers a full range of top-notch automotive repair services with a reputation for quality and reliability that keeps loyal customers coming back year after year. Contact us today to learn how you can step into a thriving, trusted brand with a strong local presence and potential for growth in an essential industry.
Interested buyers may learn more about his opportunity by executing an NDA here:
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is compiled from the information obtained from the Seller. Broker makes no representation as to its accuracy or reliability. Buyer(s) should rely upon their own verification and that of their financial and /or legal advisers with regard to this information.