Auto Repair & Tire Sales & Service
Cash Flow: | $247,198 |
Inventory: | $30,000 |
Established Year: | 1986 |
Gross Revenue: | $1,283,601 |
Real Estate: | $550,000 |
Highly Trusted - Nearly 40 year Reputation of Outstanding Service
A fixture in the local market for 38 years. The company was founded as a neighborhood auto repair shop and over time, has become the go to in the area for honest service at a fair price. Serving the local, high-density market, new business is entirely by word-of-mouth referral from loyal customers. There is a significant opportunity to increase revenue, which should be an interesting opportunity for the right buyer.
The Company offers primarily domestic auto repair services and tire sales of all types to mostly non-commercial, individual customers in the local market.
Successful independent transmission shop and auto repair
Chicago, IL
Price: $300,000
Chicago, IL - Recession-Proof Automotive Collision & Paint Franchise
Chicago, IL
Price: $2,000,000
Profitable - Well Established: "Iconic Brand"
Chicago, IL
Price: $382,000
Black Optix Tint
Available in Multiple Locations
FranchiseCash Required: $100,000