3K sqft Laundromat in Eastern Nassau all financials 100% verifiable
Asking Price: | $1,200,000 |
Rent: | $7,500/Month |
Established Year: | 2021 |
Gross Revenue: | $495,000 |
EBITDA: | $195,000 |
Age: Less than 5 years old
Revenue: $490K annually
EBIT: $195K annually
Lease Details:
Lease Term: Over 20 years remaining
Escalations: Scheduled every 5 years
Financial Verification:
All financials can be 100% verified through store systems and bank statements and tax returns.
Management & Operations:
The store is equipped with a Laundry POS and Card system.
Fully outfitted with security cameras and an automated door locking system.
Remote monitoring and management are possible, allowing oversight even when off-site.
Current Owner Involvement:
The owner spends most mornings in the store, managing day-to-day operations and working their day job remotely from the office.
Currently ran semi-absentee.
Turnkey operation with established revenue and profit.
Modern technology and security systems in place.
Long-term lease with favorable terms.
Absentee Owner Laundromat/ New 36D/30W with Long Lease / Super markt
Nassau County, NY
Price: $750,000
Profitable Laundromat For Sale in Queens
Nassau County, NY
Price: $850,000
Swimming Pool Installation, Renovation And Service Business, LI
Nassau County, NY
Price: $4,850,000
Dumpster Dudez
Available in Multiple Locations
FranchiseCash Required: $200,000