Under Contract Charleston Florist
Asking Price: | $95,000 |
Established Year: | 1977 |
Established Florist Business for Sale
This highly regarded florist business has been thriving for over 40 years. It's the first florist you encounter when entering downtown, conveniently located next to a funeral home and all major hospitals.
The business operates from a ground-floor space of approximately 1,114 square feet.
This business can be easily relocated. This is a great add-on for an existing florist or gift shop.
Real Estate is also for sale, for more details, please contact the broker.
Charming, Curated Gift Store in Thriving Location
Charleston, SC
Price: $150,000
Vending Machines & Locations Throughout Charleston.
Charleston, SC
Price: $53,000
Vending Machines | High Margin Business | Lucrative
Charleston, SC
Price: $150,000
Lemon Tree Hair Salons
Available Nationwide
FranchiseCash Required: $100,000