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Sale Type | Investment | Lot Size | 13.33 AC |
Sale Condition | Redevelopment Project | Building Size | 11,449 SF |
Tenure | Freehold | No. Beds | 5 |
Property Type | Health Care | No. Stories | 3 |
Property Subtype | Hospital | Year Built | 1885 |
Building Class | B |
Sale Type | Investment |
Sale Condition | Redevelopment Project |
Tenure | Freehold |
Property Type | Health Care |
Property Subtype | Hospital |
Building Class | B |
Lot Size | 13.33 AC |
Building Size | 11,449 SF |
No. Beds | 5 |
No. Stories | 3 |
Year Built | 1885 |
The former Edenhall Hospital sits on an irregular shaped site extending to approximately 5.4 ha (13.33 acres). The site has a single point of access from Edenhall Road, through Category C listed entrance gate piers which lead to an attractive tree-lined driveway heading southwards to the main body of the site. The site currently contains a large number of former hospital buildings. Following a recent review undertaken by Historic Scotland, three principal Category C listed buildings have been identified for retention.
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