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7007 Arapaho Rd
Dallas, TX 75248

Hillcrest Village · Retail Property For Lease · 101,963 SF


  • Clay Tile Roof


Total Space Available 101,963 SF
Max. Contiguous 33,802 SF
Center Type Community Center
Parking 2,205 Spaces
Center Properties 9
1,515’ on Arapaho Rd
  • 532’ on Hillcrest Rd
  • 351’ on Meadowcreek Dr
Gross Leasable Area 204,430 SF
Total Land Area 64.49 AC
Year Built 1979

About the Property

In partnership with the City of Dallas, SHOP Development is undertaking a major re-development of Hillcrest Village Shopping Center, which will include the addition of a 1.5 true City given park in the very center of the property. The project will include numerous upgrades, including: building facade enhancements, new site lighting, significant landscape improvements, pedestrian pathway connections throughout the project, and the addition of oversized outdoor patios fronting the park. Hillcrest Village is being transformed into a high-end neighborhood center featuring boutique fitness, a variety of chef driven restaurants and better neighborhood services. Hillcrest Village was acquired and is being re-developed by SHOP Development. Center recently finished renovations including an upgrade of the façade with a Mediterranean look with clay tile roof. Other upgrades included a new lighting package, repainting, and major landscaping with new planting and seating areas. The center is located at one of the few major intersections with not retail competition on the other three corners.

  • Pylon Sign
  • Listing ID: 13693588

  • Date on Market: 2018-12-21

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 7007 Arapaho Rd, Dallas, TX 75248

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