Sale Type | Investment or Owner User | Lot Size | 5.20 AC |
Sale Condition | Redevelopment Project | Rentable Building Area | 35,058 SF |
Tenure | Freehold | No. Stories | 2 |
Property Type | Industrial | Year Built | 1985 |
Property Subtype | Showroom | Tenancy | Single |
Building Class | B | Clear Ceiling Height | 18’ |
Sale Type | Investment or Owner User |
Sale Condition | Redevelopment Project |
Tenure | Freehold |
Property Type | Industrial |
Property Subtype | Showroom |
Building Class | B |
Lot Size | 5.20 AC |
Rentable Building Area | 35,058 SF |
No. Stories | 2 |
Year Built | 1985 |
Tenancy | Single |
Clear Ceiling Height | 18’ |
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