4 Single Family homes being sold as investment property rental. All units are currently rented. Built 2021, Located on 2.278
Acres, Whitehouse ISD. Foam Insulation, all electric, appliances included. (4814 FM 346, 1878 SF, 4/2/2) (4818 FM 346, 1878
SF 4/2/2) (4822 FM 346, 1837 SF, 3/2/2) 4826 FM 346, 1837 SF, 3/2/2) Current rents gross is $8645 / Mo. Individual unit rents
to be verified. Est. CAP Rate is 6.7 - 7% (to be verified) based on rental rates, taxes and Insurance). Interior photos are one unit.
All others are very similar. Olsham added peers under two of the houses due to hillside behind homes. Lifetime warranty.
GREAT INVESTMENT / INCOME POTENTIAL located in Whitehouse ISD. South Tyler address. 4 single family homes built
in 2021. Current rental rates range from $1895 - $2350 / Mo. Located on 2.278 Acres. (4814 FM 346, 1878 SF, 4/2/2)
(4818 FM 346, 1878 SF 4/2/2) (4822 FM 346, 1837 SF, 3/2/2) 4826 FM 346, 1837 SF, 3/2/2). Contact Listing Agent with
questions and request showing appointment. All units are currently rented.