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25 Warser Gate
Nottingham NG1 1NU

Retail Property For Sale

Investment Highlights

  • Award winning bar/restaurant situated in the heart of Hockley, Nottingham City Centre’s lifestyle and cultural quarter.
  • Licensed for opening between 9.00am and 3.00am seven days a week
  • Fully let to Nonagon Ltd (Experian Score 89) part of Fletchergate Industries who operate nine highly regarded bars across Nottingham

Executive Summary

The property is held freehold subject to a 15 year lease expiring on 31st July 2030 to Nonagon Ltd, part of Fletchergate Industries, at a passing rent of £56,723 per annum. The lease is subject to a tenant only break and a rent review to not less than £63,476 per annum in July 2025.
Originally a Victorian Lace Factory, the property comprises a bar and restaurant together with commercial kitchen arranged over four floors which has been fitted out by the current tenant to provide an opulent interior which makes the most of the property’s period features.
The principle entrance is from Hockley’s main thoroughfare, Carlton Street, with a second frontage onto Warser Gate.
Further information on the venue can be found at:


Sale Type
Property Type
Property Subtype
Building Size
12,813 SF
Building Class
Year Built
$1,481,760 CAD
Price Per SF
$116 CAD
Cap Rate
$101,879 CAD
Percent Leased
Building Height
4 Stories
Building FAR
Lot Size
0.23 AC
40 ft on Warser Gate


  • Security System
  • Energy Performance Rating - C
  • Storage Space
  • Listing ID: 30953278

  • Date on Market: 2024-02-14

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 25 Warser Gate, Nottingham NG1 1NU

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