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2000 Skyway - Chico adjacent Skyway frontage acreage

1,380 Acres of Industrial Land Offered at $11,775,236 CAD in Chico, CA 95928

Investment Highlights

  • Housing potential
  • Chico adjacent
  • Solar overlay zone

Property Facts In Escrow

Price $11,775,236 CAD
Sale Type Investment or Owner User
Sale Conditions Bulk/Portfolio Sale
No. Lots 1
Property Type Land
Property Subtype Industrial
Proposed Use
  • Hold For Development
Total Lot Size 1,380.00 AC

1 Lot Available


Price $11,775,236 CAD
Price Per AC $8,533 CAD
Lot Size 1,380.00 AC

1,380 acres of Skyway frontage land with potential located just outside of incorporated Chico.


Nance Canyon Partners is offering 1,380 acres of Skyway frontage land with tons of potential. It is located just outside of incorporated Chico, mostly gentle sloping terrain all within the Butte County Solar Overlay Zone. It makes sense for energy development, recreation, or as a landhold for future Chico housing. Both Federal and PG&E lines cross the parcels and paper roads have been mapped. Chico has very little room to grow and the State housing mandates mean either up or out. This acreage is part of a 5,000+ acre ranch that has been traditionally used for cattle grazing. Don't miss an opportunity to be part of the Chico area's future by owning adjacent land now! Please contact LA1 or LA2 for a tour of the acreage. Land can be seen from Skyway and there is a sign on the property. AS IS, No warranties.



Parcel Numbers
  • 040-600-076-000
  • 040-020-134-000
Land Assessment
$1,133,976 CAD
Improvements Assessment
$10,713,719 CAD
Total Assessment
$11,847,695 CAD


Zoning Code AG (Agricultural Land)
AG (Agricultural Land)
  • Listing ID: 25077125

  • Date on Market: 2022-02-17

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 2000 Skyway, Chico, CA 95928

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