The Property is a ±24.68-acre site, or approximately 1,075,064 square feet, located at 1701 Marina Boulevard, San Leandro, CA 94577. The Property is governed by a Development Agreement (“DA”) dated June 15, 2010, which allows development of the parcels under two general scenarios. Mixed-use residential is allowed as of right in the General Commercial district however, a subsequent PUD level application and 12-18 month CEQA review is required for development of the retail parcel.
Mixed Use
Up to 387,000 SF of retail uses
250 residential units or 210 hotel rooms
All Retail
Up to 432,000 SF of retail uses
Other key provisions of the DA include:
The term of the DA for the retail development expires in 2025.
The selected Developer will be required to pay for the widening of Merced Street at the General Foundry frontage to provide two left-turn lanes on to Republic Way, Kaiser/Developer is also responsible for the City’s engineering and planning costs.
No requirement that selected Developer initiate or complete development of the Project or any particular phase of the project within any particular period of time.
Kaiser may transfer and assign all or any portion of its interest, rights or liabilities under the DA and the Project Approvals to third parties.